Saturday, September 19, 2009

So many activities

Charter Day Games, the Rusty Anchor, the Carbuncle Challenge: For most of you, these activities don't sound all that familiar. I would have said the same about 6 weeks ago.

This past Friday, Pohnpei Catholic School had its annual Charter Day Games. "Charter" refers to when the school got its Charter and became the school that it is today. Essentially, it is a field day for teachers, students and parents. Each team has a coach, usually a home room teacher. I drew the green team (which worked out very well considering I had a green bandana, green soccer socks and plenty of green shirts). I knew that even if our team wasn't stacked with the best athletes, I wanted to be competitive with our team spirit.

This was accomplished with a very simple substance. Green finger paint. We made Mel Gibson proud with our war paint and determination. I went with the classic "Macho Man Randy Savage" paint job which sparked a very intelligent discussion (between myself, Samantha and Luke) on the state of the World Wrestling Federation in the early 1990s. Essentially, it was phenomenal and left us all missing Generation X, Val Venus and the McMahon family.

ANYWAY, back to the Charter Day Games. The kids loved the face paint. Ms. Josephine (my housemate) was the coach for the yellow team. Historically, the yellow team is the worst one to be one. I forget the Pohnpean phrase, but the team is known as "the short bus." It holds the same meaning as it does it in the that was Jo's team. She tried to make it better by saying they were the "Transformers" team. I don't think she convinced anyone.

The events covered games like a treasure hunt, musical chairs, 50m/100m races, three-legged race, etc. I have to admit, the green team was not looking good. By lunch, we were dead last. I started getting looks from my team that read, "Face paint is great and all...but are we ever going to win an event?" Yes, the most important one in fact.

As Luke would say, we "beasted it" in the tug-of-war. Out of 8 games, we were only defeated once - by the stacked blue team I believe. I still have the rope burn to prove how much I wanted our team to take the event. Our record was good enough to take down first place in the event. However, we only got bumped up to fourth place. No podium spot for us. I've never liked this phrase, but "there's always next year." It was a great success overall.

I think the games were so enjoyable because of Micronesian's cultural emphasis on enjoyment over competition. Everyone was a winner that day - and the kids really only care if they are having a great time. Even the short bus team had a good day after we handed it to them in the tug-of-war (man, I'm too competitive).

The Rusty Anchor - the one spot on the island that makes me forget I am 7500 miles from home. Why, you may ask. Anytime I am surrounded by white people and Tom Petty cover songs, I assume I am in one of the may dive bars int the Midwest. The band, "Wetter than Seattle" had quite a dynamic sound. I have never heard "American Girl" (Petty) followed by a Killers song. Needless to say, it was phenomenal. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to see Megan Hendricks with a microphone in hand. Maybe at Re-O/Dis-O?

It was a very entertaining night. I have to say though, I really don't miss the loud, obnoxious bar scene at all. I felt out of place in a setting that I loved just 2 months ago. How quickly things can change.

The last activity - titled "the Carbuncle Challenge" has been an ongoing activity ever since I arrived in Pohnpei. I realize that by sharing my stories of boils in a public setting, I am forfeiting any dates that may have been coming my way in the future. Oh well - my boil count is approximately at 4. I will only expand on the ones that are interesting.

As more and more JVs volunteer in exotic climates, it seems like boils get more and more nicknames. For example, I have already had a "Watson" and hopefully will never get a "Hendricks." I feel like I have a new term to introduce to the boil world. The "Prouhet." A multi-headed boil located on the head. For me specifically, my left temple. My most recent one was on my knee and kept me up hours and hours while trying to sleep. I had plenty of time to listen to our cats chasing the rats in our ceiling. I just picture a classic Tom and Jerry episode happening directly over my head.

So yeah, so many activities happening lately. I can see why Luke and Jo say that time really flies when school is in session. I would love to keep going, but progress reports are due tomorrow and I need to get on it. Kaselel till next post!


  1. Try anti-biotics - for the boils, not the cats chasing rats!

  2. GREEN!!! Clearly you drew the best team. hope all is well, love reading about your adventures
