Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How do you pack for two years?

Here I am. Two weeks out of college and the ground is shifting beneath my feet. As many of you know, I have been accepted into Jesuit Volunteers International as a two-year volunteer on the Federated States of Micronesia. My official job title involves teaching and doing extra curricular activities at the Pohnpei Catholic School. It is a Catholic parish grammar and middle school in Kolonia, on the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia.
It is hard to believe that I am leaving my comfortable bubble in the landlocked state of Missouri to head approx. 7,500 miles away! As I prepare for this journey, I realize that I haven't fully processed that college is over. There will be no more exams, no more Thursday bar nights. It is the end of a huge part of my life. An end that has kept me up at night. An end that has made me nostalgic at the ripe age of 21. But, it is an end that I am proud of. As I look back on my four years at Mizzou, I am reminded of the wonderful friendships I have built, the challenges I have overcome and the wild times that should have landed me behind bars (kidding). It was with those things that I found comfort. So here I am, out of my comfort zone. And I'm not even out of the United States yet...
With these new challenges and experiences will come opportunity. Opportunities that I have dreamed about for years. Most importantly, the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and give a substantial amount of my life/time to improve the lives of others. The opportunity to be 100% selfless. Within these opportunities, I know I will grow as a spiritual person and as a teacher. I am leaving my college community of 30,000+ students and will now be living with three other wonderful volunteers. With the help of my housemates and students, I will fully invest myself in the four pillars of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and bring those values back to the States in 2011.
So back to my original question: How do you pack for two years? Socks, underwear, toothpaste. Do they have Crest in Micronesia? Most importantly, I am trying to "pack" in as much quality time with the people I love in the U.S. before I leave on July 18. The next blog I make will probably be from the island (and probably be more interesting than this one) so stay tuned.

To make volunteering possible, JVI has asked each participant to raise $3,000 to help offset the cost of having us in our placements. Any amount will help a great deal.

For those of you wishing to donate, Checks can be made out to “Jesuit Volunteers International” C/O PHILIP PROUHET IN THE MEMO LINE
, and mailed to Jesuit Volunteers International,

Jesuit Volunteer Corps
1016 16th St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

If you prefer, online donations made be made by check or credit card at JVI is a 501 non-profit corporation with an IRS tax identification number of 52-1360384. All donations are fully tax deductible.