Thursday, December 3, 2009

Humble Pie

Please do not be confused by this post's title. I will not be discussing the 1970s, British supergroup "Humble Pie." It was the simplest way to introduce two significant concepts that have touched my life in the last month. Humility and pie (

It seems like every day I am here, I am humbled by a new facet of Pohnepian life. Some of the more powerful experiences with humility have come my experiences with this island's landscape. I would describe it exactly like my students do. "One of a kind." I wish I could put into words what it's like to witness the endless, blue hues of the Pacific Ocean. Or the beauty of a sunset behind Sokeh's Ridge while perched on the Jesuit balcony. Or the breathtaking island trees we pass each and everyday to school. Sure, 3x5's may give you some idea. But to be here. To really "be" here and absorb what surrounds me everyday is humbling to say the least.

However, anyone tourist who steps off of a Continental flight and walks through the 14-foot long airport terminal would be humbled by these same things. I think it is a universal experience to be had. I think that the luster and amazement might begin to fade for someone with a more permanent position on island. (I sure hope that doesn't happen to me)

What won't fade are the ever-changing relationships I build from sun up to sun down. I will admit, I don't do a whole lot of building at 7 a.m. in our kitchen nook.

(I say "nook" in reference to the fact that when Samantha opens our refrigerator, the door hits the chair where Luke is sitting. If Luke scoots back to avoid the door, he will probably find himself getting in the way of Josephine doing the dishes. Josephine will instinctively scoot a few steps out the way to avoid the refrigerator door/Luke predicament. Unfortunately, her scoot probably landed her in the laundry room. Our nook has a lot of morning congestion.)

ANYWAY, mornings continue to be a struggle for me. But right when I step out of our front door, my day really starts. If I'm lucky, Irvin and his brother Billy will stop me at the bottom of the street. Irvin is a one of the most sincere, well-mannered children I have met. He is also constantly worried about the whereabouts of each JVI. He usually goes straight from "lehlia" (hello) to "Did you just come from work? Is Josephine still there? Oh ok. Samantha is already at your house. See you later." It is the perfect cure for a tough day...especially if I get roped into a game of jump-rope or a coloring contest.

It seems like a very "American" tendency to shy away from what we don't already know. For about 99% of the Pohnpeian people I have met, it is the exact opposite. People here are genuinely interested in who you are, how you are and why the hell you are here. It is comforting to see their eyes light up and the corners of their mouths curve upward when I say, "I'm a Jesuit Volunteer." For those faces that stay confused, I say "Peace Corps?" nervouslly, hoping it rings a more familiar bell. That will usually do the trick.

Back on track, back on track. Humility. Let me explain a weird quirk about Pohnpeian interaction. If you want to compliment someone on their clothing, never say, "Wow, I really like that shirt." That person will react in one of two different ways: 1) Go home. Wash aforementioned shirt. Deliver shirt to you as a gift the next day or 2) Take shirt off. Immediately deliver as a gift. They will give and give and give until they have nothing. In a non-traditional way of thinking, I think that makes these people and this culture inherently rich. Maybe not in Warren Buffet's opinion, but certainly in mine.

During the past month, three very humbling things have happened at Pohnpei Catholic School. The first came from a car wash. I know, I know. How can liquid soap and carnauba wax humble anyone? On this particular day, we were raising money for something close to my heart. Something that has been missing for 10 years at this school. A YEARBOOK. For the entire week leading up to this fateful Saturday, a pessimistic voice in my head kept nudging my common sense whispering, "Hey imbecile, it rains everyday in Kolonia. Who will want to get their car washed?" and "What, are you going to hold 50 car washes to pay for this thing? Good luck." Even if this voice had been right - the entire thing was worth it.

My coworkers felt more like friends. My students felt more like my kids. P.C.S felt like a family rather than just an educational institution. For this to happen because of a simple carwash made me feel like a small part of something bigger than anything I've been a part of. Not to mention, we raised over $1,100. No typographical errors here: OVER ELEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. If that's not one big slice of "humble pie," I don't know what is.

Just one week later was Thankgiving Day. This one day produced two of the most significant experiences I have had here:

1) Every year, students are asked to bring the "fruit of the land" on the morning of Thanksgiving. For most of you reading this, you may have some tomatos growing on a trellis in the backyard. It's a little different here. Before school even started, parents were helping their kids hoist yams bigger than my head into our Church. And the bananas....well, let's just say the Chiquita lady better watch her back. All of these exotic (well, exotic to me - completlely normal to everyone else) fruits are brought to the local hospital and jail as a sign of giving thanks for everything God has given us.

Admittedly, I have often thought of just how impoverished some areas of Pohnpei are. Some houses look unlivable, some children look unhealthy and some situations look unfortunate. I have felt empathy, sympathy, and all of those feelings that the well-off usually feel for the poor. Admittedly, I have often heard Bible stories explaining how the poor woman giving her last bit of bread is a greater sacrifice that the rich man offering his prize bull. I just don't feel like I bought into that idea until now.

We filled two flat-bed trucks to the brim with breadfruit, coconut, banana, yam, taro, sugar cane, mango, and plenty of other fruits I can neither remember nor pronounce. I began to understand Thanksgiving in a different way. We offered prayers and songs to the sick and incarcerated. Our gifts were simple - but our service to the community was certainly more than that. I watched very carefully as Joanna and Gaysha read Bible verses to inmates and as Joey offered a plate of fresh fruit to a bed-stricken woman. Those feelings of empathy and sympathy that I once felt were replaced by something completely different. They were replaced by the realization that I need to stop analyzing everything I see. I need to start absorbing it.

2) As we pass through this holiday season, I have come to realize one thing. Pohnpeians really embody this semi-popular phrase: Go big or go home. Pohnpeians go big. And if you think about it, I don't really have the option. One of the biggest blessing I (and all JVIs) have found here is a feeling of being welcome. This is especially true at the Pangelinan home. Eugene and Lynn regularly greet us in the morning and we spend many afternoons sharing stories with their children, Mark and Grace. I can count on Lynn for some motherly advice: "Philip. You need to start taking hot showers. Those boils look serious." Good idea Lynn. Eugene takes advice to the next level: "Hey Philip. No wonder Luke is the only one bringing a girlfriend out here." Thanks Eugene. Mark, their 14-year-old, joins us on the basketball court each week and will soon be swatting all of my jump shots. Grace is always keeping her older brother in line with a quick smack on his arm. I can't help but give her candy (or whatever she wants) whenever I see her. As you can tell, this family is more than just our neighbors.

They invited us over for an amazing spread of food. No, I was not eating dog and SPAM. All of the traditional fixins: turkey, ham, mash potatos and gravy. Desert was a little different. I forced down some sakau that I had pounded earlier. Pounding the roots of a pepper plant is harder than it looks. I don't know if I would be able to hack it at a market. Actually, I know I couldn't.

They had plenty of desert: Cakes, apple crisp, all of my favorites. I was just a little too full from all the humble pie. (What a cheesy ending. I'll try to avoid that on the next post)

Happy Holidays to all and to all a
pwong mwahu (good night) !

P.S. Here is a list of things I have experienced but do not have time to explain right now:
-Centipede bite on the head
-Hunting rats in Josephine's room. I should have mounted the 11-incher I got in November
-Spear fishing by the island of Napali
-Pohnpei State Soccer league (

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Choosing simple

So it has been about 3 months. It certainly doesn't feel it, but I can't argue with my calendar.

Let me start with one of my favorite quotes from Bright Eyes: "The world's got me dizzy again, you'd think after 22 years, I'd be used to the spin." Not only is that quote timely in my life considering my age, but it can help me explain how interesting life has been here.

I will admit, the pacing of Micronesian culture is much slower than that of the U.S. (which is a huge blessing after my senior year in Missouri's journalism school). But, the life of a JVI does have the potential to make your head spin.

I think it is a natural inclination of a Jesuit Volunteer to do absolutely everything that is asked of them while in their country. Can you help with this committee? lead this project? read during this Mass? "ABSOLUTELY, I WOULD LOVE TO" is the only thing I can say - because I want to. All of a sudden, my weeks and weekends are booked solid.

Weekday classes, tutor sessions, spirituality night, community night, soccer with the International F.C.(one of my favorites), Xavier Prep, Catechism youth group, International community mass. With all of that going on, I am afraid I will forget to take a look around and really soak in the work I am doing for Pohnpei Catholic School and the larger community. One of the four pillars the JVI lifestyle that I have been struggling with is living simply.

Simple living is very hard to define. Does it mean living within a stipend, washing clothes by hand or taking ice cold showers every morning? Yes...but it's so much more than that. When I first learned that I would be headed to Micronesia, I envisioned a very basic lifestyle that I would simply adapt to. Maybe a shack on an outer island or river showers in the jungle...not air conditioning and high speed internet. Here in Pohnpei, westernization is very apparent. Besides a couple niceties, it is very similar to a rural city in the states. The idea of living simply, therefore, becomes a choice. The focus moves off of the "I have to..." to the "I should..." That has been my biggest struggle so far.

So how does this choice, then, affect my busy lifestyle?

Samantha, Josephine and I just got back from climbing Sokehs Rock last night. We took off right after the school bell rang and got to climbing while there was still day light. While spending the night atop the rock, discussion ranged from ghost stories (to make Sam mad) to our lives as JVIs.

Jo made a very interesting point. Living simply can certainly refer to our schedules and how hard we work ourselves. Sometimes, we need a breather. For us, it was climbing Sokehs Rock. I think, in a very similar way, that was what Tarantino was for me...a breather. Something to help me get by.

I will continue to ponder these things, as I always do, but I will leave you with a list of interesting things that I have experienced recently:
-2800 pages of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series. I should have never read the first one, because then I was "invested."
-Very, very interesting Spelling sentences from my eighth graders. For example, the word "imagine" was used as follows: "I imagined Mr. Philip in a Speedo. (no offense Mr. Philip)"
-Pohnpeian children singing "America" as pass them on the way to work in the morning.
-The Flamingo (oh goodness)
-Sashimi (sushi Pohnpei style). Suprisingly, I love it.
-Monday night soccer league (

Oh yeah, some pictures from around town: #1 - My classroom #2 - The Jesuit House

Saturday, September 19, 2009

So many activities

Charter Day Games, the Rusty Anchor, the Carbuncle Challenge: For most of you, these activities don't sound all that familiar. I would have said the same about 6 weeks ago.

This past Friday, Pohnpei Catholic School had its annual Charter Day Games. "Charter" refers to when the school got its Charter and became the school that it is today. Essentially, it is a field day for teachers, students and parents. Each team has a coach, usually a home room teacher. I drew the green team (which worked out very well considering I had a green bandana, green soccer socks and plenty of green shirts). I knew that even if our team wasn't stacked with the best athletes, I wanted to be competitive with our team spirit.

This was accomplished with a very simple substance. Green finger paint. We made Mel Gibson proud with our war paint and determination. I went with the classic "Macho Man Randy Savage" paint job which sparked a very intelligent discussion (between myself, Samantha and Luke) on the state of the World Wrestling Federation in the early 1990s. Essentially, it was phenomenal and left us all missing Generation X, Val Venus and the McMahon family.

ANYWAY, back to the Charter Day Games. The kids loved the face paint. Ms. Josephine (my housemate) was the coach for the yellow team. Historically, the yellow team is the worst one to be one. I forget the Pohnpean phrase, but the team is known as "the short bus." It holds the same meaning as it does it in the that was Jo's team. She tried to make it better by saying they were the "Transformers" team. I don't think she convinced anyone.

The events covered games like a treasure hunt, musical chairs, 50m/100m races, three-legged race, etc. I have to admit, the green team was not looking good. By lunch, we were dead last. I started getting looks from my team that read, "Face paint is great and all...but are we ever going to win an event?" Yes, the most important one in fact.

As Luke would say, we "beasted it" in the tug-of-war. Out of 8 games, we were only defeated once - by the stacked blue team I believe. I still have the rope burn to prove how much I wanted our team to take the event. Our record was good enough to take down first place in the event. However, we only got bumped up to fourth place. No podium spot for us. I've never liked this phrase, but "there's always next year." It was a great success overall.

I think the games were so enjoyable because of Micronesian's cultural emphasis on enjoyment over competition. Everyone was a winner that day - and the kids really only care if they are having a great time. Even the short bus team had a good day after we handed it to them in the tug-of-war (man, I'm too competitive).

The Rusty Anchor - the one spot on the island that makes me forget I am 7500 miles from home. Why, you may ask. Anytime I am surrounded by white people and Tom Petty cover songs, I assume I am in one of the may dive bars int the Midwest. The band, "Wetter than Seattle" had quite a dynamic sound. I have never heard "American Girl" (Petty) followed by a Killers song. Needless to say, it was phenomenal. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to see Megan Hendricks with a microphone in hand. Maybe at Re-O/Dis-O?

It was a very entertaining night. I have to say though, I really don't miss the loud, obnoxious bar scene at all. I felt out of place in a setting that I loved just 2 months ago. How quickly things can change.

The last activity - titled "the Carbuncle Challenge" has been an ongoing activity ever since I arrived in Pohnpei. I realize that by sharing my stories of boils in a public setting, I am forfeiting any dates that may have been coming my way in the future. Oh well - my boil count is approximately at 4. I will only expand on the ones that are interesting.

As more and more JVs volunteer in exotic climates, it seems like boils get more and more nicknames. For example, I have already had a "Watson" and hopefully will never get a "Hendricks." I feel like I have a new term to introduce to the boil world. The "Prouhet." A multi-headed boil located on the head. For me specifically, my left temple. My most recent one was on my knee and kept me up hours and hours while trying to sleep. I had plenty of time to listen to our cats chasing the rats in our ceiling. I just picture a classic Tom and Jerry episode happening directly over my head.

So yeah, so many activities happening lately. I can see why Luke and Jo say that time really flies when school is in session. I would love to keep going, but progress reports are due tomorrow and I need to get on it. Kaselel till next post!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Teacher's Tale

So I am borrowing the title of this week's post from the latest edition of the Micronesian Counselor. It is a short, monthly publication produced by Micronesian Seminar. Here is a little "about me" paragraph from their website:

"Micronesian Seminar, known popularly as MicSem, is a private non-profit, non-governmental organization that has been engaged in public education for thirty years. Our purpose is to assist the people of Micronesia in reflecting on life in their islands under the impact of change in recent years."

So this week, it a short story about the experiences of a young teacher, fresh out of college, heading to a remote island to teach Micronesian children. (Sound familiar?) The article, written by Fr. Francis Hezel, SJ, explores many different elements of an American volunteer's experiences with the new island culture and his new role as teacher.

So here are some of mine...

My experience with elementary teaching can be described as "limited." During my spring breaks from 2007-2009, I have spent time teaching children in New Mexico and New York City. These alternative spring breaks opened my eyes to a world I had never seen. I was able to realize how many sociological and structural injustices are affecting the education of youth worldwide. I witnessed first-hand a system that was failing many of its students.

I feel like, in many ways, those experiences on the West and East coasts landed me here in Pohnpei...teaching my 20 students each day. The ultimate goal being...improve the quality of life for each unique student.

This improvement can come in a variety of ways...improved comprehension skills, more responsibility for one's work, increase in self-esteem, ways that I can't even predict.

My biggest fear - I fall into the teacher trap of waking up each morning, walking to school and merely lecturing at my students. I have heard stories of teacher's easily losing that fire, that motivation that drive that they started the school year with.

I am a month in...and it is hard to describe exactly how I feel. One thing I know for sure, it's not as easy as it looks. I have always thought it would be pretty simple to teach a lesson, give a quiz and grade it. I am quickly finding out how wrong I was. It consumes so much energy - so much effort. And my main source of energy is my students. I am always relieved to see eager hands raising into the air to answer the question (usually they forget the hand part). I have been ever impressed by their motivation to improve their own lives so that they might be able to help their family.

But, as any teacher out there knows. There are tough days, tough students, tough lessons. While I am passing out quizzes and exams, I am constantly testing myself. Does this lesson involve the students? How can I incorporate their culture into lessons to give it some context? How is being American negatively/positively affecting my ability to relate to my kids? Is my method for discipline working well? Why exactly am I here in Micronesia?

The answers to those questions are changing with every new experience and interaction with my community and my classroom.

I realize that I my strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. I also know that I need to recognize those in order to address the strengths and weaknesses of my students. That is what I will "learn" over the next two years.

Each day, I delve into Pre-Algebra, World History, Language, Literature, Spelling, Religion and Activity periods. It makes for a full day. Soon enough, I will be starting the PCS Yearbook with the help of my eighth graders. We just recently finished our first all-school Mass. The 8th grade class was in charge of that one: kind of stressful to take on as the newbie teacher, but it went very well.

We drove home Sister Elerina's theme of "Jesus is the Light of the World." One of the 6th graders even came up and explained, "Mr. Philip. You have really good 8th graders. Really good." I am glad they are positive role models for the school. But, I am hoping for more than "good" this semester. There are plenty of adjectives out there to top it, and I just hope I can move my entire class in that direction. Including myself.

Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. ~Plato

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vacation island

My profession is always to be alert, to find God in nature, to know God's lurking places, to attend to all the oratorios and the operas in nature. ~Henry David Thoreau

So I know I haven't been staying very up-to-date with my blog, but I just wanted to share some experiences from the past few weekends. It seems like wherever I walk on this island, I am surrounded by the beauty of creation that I have only dreamed of seeing. Palm trees that belong on post cards. Oceans that belong on the Discovery Channel. Mangrove forests that remind me of Vietnam in Apocalypse Now. I continually find myself wondering...why me? How did I get this amazing opportunity to experience a culture, a community and a country whose beauty is indescribable.

Last weekend, I spent my time with the Anthon family in Kitti (pronounced Kitchi). It was a "home stay" where a Pohnpean family takes you in for a couple of days and shows you what their lives are like. The concept of being completely transparent in one's private life scares me. In our JVI covenants, we agree to "willingly and fully share our lives with our community." It sounds simple enough - "Hey guys, here's what has been happening in school," etc. It is much more than that. To share your entire self is to make yourself completely vulnerable. While it is something that will be a source of great struggle for myself, the Anthon family made it seem easy.

I was dropped of at the front of their property. I'm sure I looked like a wide-eyed kindergartner going to his first day of school. I met Mr. and Mrs. Anthon and some friends, family as we sipped sakau. It was early to bed and early to rise in Kitti. The first order of business was fishing. Something I fully respect is the Micronesian ability to rely on the land. Life becomes much more simple when nature provides the necessities. Clean water, food, shelter. The rest that Americans have become accustomed to seem to bog them down substantially. So it was time to get some food.

We packed the boat with gear, breakfast and some other materials. Then the family piled on. It was amazing how many people we could pack on a relatively small boat. The mangrove forests that we coasted past were amazing. It didn't feel like I was in the 21st century anymore.

The plan was to catch some fish, spend the night on the island of Penio (or Pedio...I'm not sure of the spelling) and head back for Sunday mass in the morning. Just for some form of measure, you could walk around this island in around 4 minutes. There was plenty of coral, starfish and sights to take in. We ate fish (for every meal!) and rice as a family. It was the first time I started feeling like I belonged here. I consistently feel like a tourist, but not with the Anthon's. They shared their entire life with me. I bathed in the river with their son, Junior. I walked the coral shores with Joey. I felt like a very, very white relative.

The rainbows, star-filled skies and colorful reefs will be forever burned into my mind. During some recent spiritual direction, I explained that I was having trouble "finding God in everyday life." It was suggested to me that God is there, I just have to recognize it. God was there in every way, shape and form that weekend. The love of family, the humility of nature and peace in feeling welcome. It was easy to recognize God's love and presence last weekend - I felt like I was getting hit in the face with it.

So Anthon family, if you stumble upon this post, thank you very very much, and I hope to see you again very soon.

I am two weeks into my career as a full-time 8th grade teacher. There are plenty of stories and life lessons to be shared in that area, but they will have to wait until next time. For all those reading, that you for your support and your prayers. I am so grateful to have this amazing opportunity.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Bridge over (not-so) troubled water. I just wanted to throw up a community shot of the Pohnpei crew at the Nan Madol ruins. I will update with some more details of my first week after I get settled and have more time.

For a quick update, I start my teacher training tomorrow at Pohnpei Catholic School. I will be teaching eighth graders, and teaching them every class on the curriculum. I have met some of the staff at PCS and it will be an amazing place to live. While I do miss all of you in the states, it is comforting to have such a welcoming community here.

Thank you so much for all of you who have donated to JVI. You have made my time here possible and I am truly grateful. Kalangan (thank you in Pohnpeian). I am still waiting to get an updated list so I can send you all thank you cards!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How do you pack for two years?

Here I am. Two weeks out of college and the ground is shifting beneath my feet. As many of you know, I have been accepted into Jesuit Volunteers International as a two-year volunteer on the Federated States of Micronesia. My official job title involves teaching and doing extra curricular activities at the Pohnpei Catholic School. It is a Catholic parish grammar and middle school in Kolonia, on the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia.
It is hard to believe that I am leaving my comfortable bubble in the landlocked state of Missouri to head approx. 7,500 miles away! As I prepare for this journey, I realize that I haven't fully processed that college is over. There will be no more exams, no more Thursday bar nights. It is the end of a huge part of my life. An end that has kept me up at night. An end that has made me nostalgic at the ripe age of 21. But, it is an end that I am proud of. As I look back on my four years at Mizzou, I am reminded of the wonderful friendships I have built, the challenges I have overcome and the wild times that should have landed me behind bars (kidding). It was with those things that I found comfort. So here I am, out of my comfort zone. And I'm not even out of the United States yet...
With these new challenges and experiences will come opportunity. Opportunities that I have dreamed about for years. Most importantly, the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and give a substantial amount of my life/time to improve the lives of others. The opportunity to be 100% selfless. Within these opportunities, I know I will grow as a spiritual person and as a teacher. I am leaving my college community of 30,000+ students and will now be living with three other wonderful volunteers. With the help of my housemates and students, I will fully invest myself in the four pillars of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and bring those values back to the States in 2011.
So back to my original question: How do you pack for two years? Socks, underwear, toothpaste. Do they have Crest in Micronesia? Most importantly, I am trying to "pack" in as much quality time with the people I love in the U.S. before I leave on July 18. The next blog I make will probably be from the island (and probably be more interesting than this one) so stay tuned.

To make volunteering possible, JVI has asked each participant to raise $3,000 to help offset the cost of having us in our placements. Any amount will help a great deal.

For those of you wishing to donate, Checks can be made out to “Jesuit Volunteers International” C/O PHILIP PROUHET IN THE MEMO LINE
, and mailed to Jesuit Volunteers International,

Jesuit Volunteer Corps
1016 16th St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

If you prefer, online donations made be made by check or credit card at JVI is a 501 non-profit corporation with an IRS tax identification number of 52-1360384. All donations are fully tax deductible.